Opening an elective ultrasound studio

Opening your own 3D/4D HD elective ultrasound studio is easier than you might think. We often get questions on the process and I hope the questions/answers below will help you.

Start your Dream Elective Ultrasound Business
Open your own 4d ultrasound business

Is it hard to open your own elective ultrasound studio?

Opening your own elective ultrasound studio can be a challenge if trying to do it alone. Ultrasound Trainers has made the process easy by providing different avenues and options for opening your own studio. From hands-on ultrasound training, ultrasound equipment sales, to full ultrasound turn-key business options we can assist you along your journey. 

Do I need experience in ultrasound to open my own elective ultrasound studio?

Fortunately, in most States (& countries) you do not need to have experience to open an ultrasound studio. Most areas consider 3D/4D elective ultrasounds to be classified the same as a photo studio. Yes, having ultrasound experience does help but there are options to work around this.

How much does it cost to open a 3D/4D ultrasound studio?

The costs of opening your own ultrasound studio will depend on the route you go. I have spoken to individuals who say they have spent $150,000 plus while most spend well under $100,000. Ultrasound Trainers has taken the guess work out of opening your own ultrasound studio, there is no need to overpay for items. Our full turn-key ultrasound packages range from $70,000 to $100,000 depending on the ultrasound equipment that you decide to go with. The average turn-key package for our clients would be about $80,000. On top of the package price; you would be responsible for any lease, building improvements, and furnishing the location. The beauty of our program is that we are able to fully customize the package to fit your unique taste and needs.

Am I able to get financing to open an elective ultrasound studio?

We have teamed up with a great financing company that can typically get our clients 100% financing on both their ultrasound equipment as well as their full turn-key ultrasound business

If you would like to learn more about our financing options please visit:

or Contact Kina Jackson directly @ 317-418-8289.

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